C is the procedural programming paradigm which follows a top-bottom approach and is very complexity to use. So, to overcome this complexity we came with the new programming language knows as c++ which follows a bottom-top approach but which is not portable. So, to over this disadvantage in c++ ....we went with a new languages called Java which is portable, secure, system independent.etc.. Java, the language that has taken the computer world by storm, is an object-oriented programming language. Here are a few basic codes to help you gain command over the language.
Browse Java programs, books and projects:-
★ Code Gladiators 2015 Programs
★ Download Java Interview Questions-Answers
Browse Java programs, books and projects:-
★ Code Gladiators 2015 Programs
★ Download Java Interview Questions-Answers
★ Send and Receive Text or Image file | Client-Server Programe
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